Thursday, January 2, 2014

When Do You Need Gutter Replacement?

gutter replacementNo matter how much we take care of our homes, there’s always that certain component that needs to be replaced rather than repaired. You replace your faucet when repairing it does not stop it from leaking. You replace light fixtures when they stop providing illumination to your home. It’s the same thing with gutters. You need gutter replacement when repairs just can’t fix the problems anymore.

But how do you really know when it’s better to replace rather than repair your gutters? Below is a list of what you should look for.

Signs That You Need Gutter Replacement

As with anything else, early prevention matters. Knowing when to replace your gutters can save you from more costly repairs to your home’s foundation and its surroundings. Here are the things that will tell you that gutter replacement will be better than repairs:


Are you tired of applying patches and sealants to the cracks in your gutters? Can the patches stop the leaking? Are the cracks getting bigger? Sure, patches and sealants don’t cost much, but not when you need to use them a lot. Not to mention that the leakage that comes from those cracks can cause major damages to your home’s walls and foundation.

Peeling paint and water marks

Is the paint in your gutter and the areas just below it peeling off? This means that water is leaking, causing the paint to peel off. This defies the very purpose of having gutters, which is to protect and preserve your home by diverting water away from it.


Are your gutters drooping in certain parts? This can be due to the faulty installation of hangers. They might have been spaced too far apart so they cannot support the weight of the gutter. The stress increases during rainy season, when there’s a large volume of rain water. This causes the gutters to droop.

Pulling away

Gutters that are pulling away from your home should never be ignored because they may fall anytime, leading to accidents that may affect you and your loved ones. And, without the gutters in place, rainwater will flow freely on the walls and foundation of your home.

Standing water

Standing or pooling water is an indication that your gutters are clogged with dirt and debris. This leads water to overflow to the foundation of your home. If cleaning your gutters just won’t do the trick, consider replacing the portion where the overflow occurs.

Molds and mildew

Check the walls just below the gutters. If you see mold and mildew, then, it’s time for gutter replacement. It’s because these microorganisms are clear indications that there are leaks in your gutters that you cannot easily detect as they only appear in areas that get damp frequently.

Basement flooding

Do you notice water pooling in your basement but don’t have any idea where it comes from? Most likely, that is the effect of poorly installed or worn out gutters. If this is your case, your best bet would be gutter replacement.

Gutter replacement is necessary when repairs can no longer fix issues like cracks, peeling paint, watermarks, sagging, pulling away, standing water and basement flooding.

Read more at >> When Do You Need Gutter Replacement?

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